Have you ever been throttled by Microsoft?
One of the issues when migrating your on-premise email into O365 has been the speed at which the O365 platform can accept the data. Microsoft has always had a data ingress throttling policy but that could always be switched off on a per tenant basis for a period of time during the on-boarding process. Thus temporarily by-passing the throttling restrictions enabled the migration into the O365 platform to proceed at an acceptable rate. Until…..
.pst Files – Friend or Foe?
The answer to that question is pretty clear – once a friend, but now very much a foe.
In times gone by, and we are talking over twenty years ago now, .pst files were a useful solution to the problem of limited server mailbox capacity. In those days, storing a .pst file on a local pc and including it in a back-up regime was the way forward. In those days, .pst files were a friend indeed….
The Business Case for Ultimate Migrator software
Rather than setting up a direct slugging match with any of our competitors we believe the professional way forward is to highlight what we understand to be the reasons our clients prefer to use Ultimate Migrator (UM) software. So, to argue the business case for UM,...
Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining
‘Every cloud has a silver lining’ as the saying goes. Well, this current Coronavirus pandemic is certainly testing that to the limit. There are interesting silver linings to be seen on the social front as well as the business front, and none more so than for IT...